Learn How to Play the Ukulele

Register for ukulele lessons at the Somerset County-operated Montgomery Senior Center. The “Lunch and Learn”  six-week beginners’ program will be held every Wednesday beginning March 1 to April 5, from 1 to 2 p.m. The deadline to register is Tuesday, Feb. 28.

Participants do not need experience playing a stringed instrument or reading musical notes because the ukulele is easy to play. Participants will learn simple chords and strum patterns and will be playing songs in no time. There are a limited number of ukuleles available to borrow, so participants should bring their own instruments, if possible.

To register, contact Denise Crowley at 609-466-0846.

The Otto Kaufman Community Center is located at 356 Skillman Road, Skillman, NJ 08558.